Elvanto Church Management System

What is Elvanto?

From the Elvanto webpage:

Elvanto is an online church management system that gives you back the power with your church database. It’s easy to use and jam-packed with powerful features.

Elvanto is a hosted system that keeps track of your ministries and members. It has powerful reporting and rostering features, scheduling, reminders and communication solutions, as well as a host of other excellent database related features.

Why do we recommend Elvanto?

We have searched through a number of Church Management Systems (CMS), and have come to the conclusion that Elvanto offers the best flexibility of features relative to its cost. Elvanto integrates well into our ecosystem, and fits the New Front Door philosophy of use. What’s more, Elvanto is an Australian company, so support and featured webcasts are in our time zone! We so believe in the product Elvanto offers that New Front Door has partnered with Elvanto to train client churches who choose to use this system.

Does that mean you will only support users of Elvanto?

Elvanto is the system that we’re most familiar with, but we also have had extensive experience with Church Community Builder and recommend it as an alternative if Elvanto does not fit your requirements. If you are a New Front Door client, we will do our best to support you with whichever CMS you choose to use in your context.

How do I get started?

The best thing to do would be to be in touch through our Contact Form if you wish to come on board, or if you are already a New Front Door client, then let us know you’d like to get going with Elvanto through the Feature Request form.